Could your Hobby be a Business?

Could your Hobby be a Business?
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Night Goddess Games
Could your Hobby be a Business?

Many people turn their hobbies into successful businesses. But plenty others make errors early on that cost them time, money, and even their love of the hobby. Still others never try at all, fearing exactly such a negative outcome. Do I need a business license? When do I have to pay income tax, or sales tax? What do I need to charge to make a profit? Whatever your hobby, this workshop provides answers to many of these questions, and a clear blueprint (with lots of handouts) on how to find answers for the rest for your specific hobby and location. Facilitator Tobi Mattingly is an Enrolled Agent (licensed tax pro) and provider of small business services, working with artists, performers, creators, and hobby-entrepreneurs of all stripes for more than a decade. She’s also a creator herself, having worked over the past 25 years as an actor, director, musician, and game designer.

Mature (18+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Friday 08/04/2023 9:00 AM EDT
Friday 08/04/2023 10:30 AM EDT
Yes, they can register for this round without having played in any other events
Meeting Room 12
Gen Con 2023


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