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Novus Ordo Seclorum

This scenario comes with a side of catered Indian food from a local restaurant!
It’s 1935 in Calcutta where this story begins, a starting point for an expedition north. The search for the mystical paradise known as Shambhala will not be easy and success is certainly not guaranteed. Yet the many who have tried before, failed, and survived often return changed. Every aspect of the explorer is challenged on this path and one’s physical, mental, and perhaps spiritual being will be tested.

Yet many see discovering Shambhala as a prize worthy of most any challenge. Its legends are vast and magnificent. Some talk of Buddha reincarnated. Others talk of Vishnu being reborn and ushering forth with an army that will vanquish evil from the world. Some say its people represent the pinnacle of human evolution. It’s described as the purest place on Earth filled with advanced knowledge and constant bliss. It is a utopia where one can find all of life’s meanings.

Imagine finding a place like Shambhala. What would that person do? Stay? Share its knowledge with the world? As the expedition prepares to commence at the Great Eastern Hotel in Calcutta, this and many other topics are sure to be under way as the story begins.

This is an immersive role-playing experience. It’s filled with dialogue and perhaps a bit of mystery and suspense. You might not role dice a lot. Many topics will be discussed and some of those topics will likely be Adult in Nature. The things presented in this game will be a mixture of fact and fiction (perhaps more fact than realized). If alternate ideas regarding religion or human nature offend you, then you should take a different expedition.

A mixture of live action and tabletop where talking with other players (in character) will be encouraged. Getting up and talking to someone about something on one side of room while others are talking to others on the other side of the room will mean the round is going well. Players should help drive the story. Try to get group consensus. Normal casual observers please try getting involved. You may not have much fun watching. Every character is important. More than likely there will be multiple GM’s helping (though it can be run by one).

And of course, this is a Call of Cthulhu round. Humans exist in a vast nothingness. Everything we do is probably meaningless. You may realize you’re just an ant in a cosmic sense and if that bothers you then Call of Cthulhu may be a bad choice. Your character may want to win, but players need to be prepared for the worst.

Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition
Adult Players Only (18+)
Some Gaming Experience
0000-00-00 00:00:00
0000-00-00 00:00:00
Michigan B (Clarion)
Gamehole Con 2023


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