Directory Category: Role-Playing Games (Campaign)

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Dragon Con 2019
Board Games
Collectible Card Games
LAN Games
Live-Action Roleplaying Games
Miniatures Games
Role-Playing Games (Campaign)
Role-Playing Games (Non-Campaign)
Gamehole Con 2019
Card Game
D&D Adventurer’s League
Kid’s Track
Organized Play Event
Other Event
Role Playing Game
True Dungeon
Gen Con 2019
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Spouse Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Origins Game Fair 2019
Origins University
Gamehole Con 2020
Gaming Hoopla 2020
Board Game
Card Game
Hoopla Event
Miniatures / Large Format
Role-Playing Game
Social / Party
Special Event
Gen Con 2020
Origins Game Fair 2020
Coulee Con 2021
Board Game
Card Game
Video Game
Gaming Hoopla 2021
Board Game
Card Game
Hoopla Event
Gen Con 2021
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Coulee Con 2022
Board Game
Card Game
Gaming Hoopla 2022
Board Game
Card Game
Special Event
Gen Con 2022
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Supplemental Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Coulee Con 2023
Board Game
Card Game
Panel Discussion
Special Event
Gamehole Con 2023
Card Game
D&D Adventurer’s League
Kid’s Track
Organized Play Event
Other Event
Role Playing Game
True Dungeon
Gen Con 2023
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Supplemental Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Gen Con 2024
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Supplemental Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events

Role-Playing Games (Campaign)

Sort By: RatingRating CountTitleGame SystemRules EditionStart Date & Time
DDALCA-01 Return to the Ghost Tower of Inverness
A D&D Adventurers League Event using Pre-generated characters. This is a familiar scene. Shackled. Bound. The same faces surround you as the last time you were in this dark, dank cell. Your friends, your party members. You’ve been told that your actions have led to death and destruction near and far, but you were only […]
D&D Adventurers League
2019-08-29 20:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
PFS(2e)1-00: Origin of the Open Road
A Pathfinder Society Event using Pre-generated characters. Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Pathfinder agents explore an arcane metropolis to uncover on of the Society’s oldest, untold secrets. Characters provided.
Pathfinder Society
2019-08-29 20:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
PFS(2e)1-01: The Absalom Initiation
A Pathfinder Society Event for Characters of Level 1-4 Pathfinder 2nd Edition. The PCs are new Pathfinders, and by building the right connections with the Society’s rising factions, they’ll begin a bright new career.
Pathfinder Society
2019-08-29 20:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
PFS(2e)1-01: The Absalom Initiation
A Pathfinder Society Event for Characters of Level 1-4 Pathfinder 2nd Edition. The PCs are new Pathfinders, and by building the right connections with the Society’s rising factions, they’ll begin a bright new career.
Pathfinder Society
2019-08-29 20:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
SFS1-39: The Herald’s War
A Starfinder Society Event for Characters of Level 7-12 An alien adversary invades a new ally’s space and the PCs must join the rest of the Society in joining the conflict to stop a galactic threat.
Starfinder Society
2019-08-29 20:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
SFS2-01: Pact World Warriors
A Starfinder Society Event for Characters of Level 1-4 With the Starfinder Society’s reputation in jeopardy, there’s only one option: showcase the Society’s talents in a series of live televised events!
Starfinder Society
2019-08-29 20:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
CMP2019-04: Then my Old Kentucky Home, Goodnight
A Shadowrun Missions Event for Characters of Any Karma A Kentucky Fried Shadows event. When a greedy corp has gotten to know Kentucky to well, their plans to own the state take shape, and that comes with its own set of problems. Hired to prevent the utter devastation of the Bluegrass and the Cumberlands, the […]
Shadowrun Missions
2019-08-31 09:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson
A D&D Adventurers League Event for Characters of Level 17-20 The Soulmonger is shattered and its pieces scattered across the peninsula of Chult. Dire forces seek out those shards for their own nefarious purposes, and the Red Wizards are rumored to have found a number of them already. Can you wrest those necromantic artifacts from […]
D&D Adventurers League
2019-08-31 09:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
DDAO-20 Somber Screams… (Lvl 5-10)
A D&D Adventurers League Event for Characters of Level 5-10 A grotesque statuette leads you to the village of Narrows and a disturbing seaside mystery. A four-hour adventure that follows the events of DDAO-10 Across a Misty Tavern Yard run by D&D Adventurers League Admin Greg Marks. Due to the nature of an Author Only […]
D&D Adventurers League
2019-08-31 09:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
DDHC00-GSM  Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
A D&D Adventurers League Event for Characters of Level 1-4 Desolate and abandoned, the evil alchemist’s mansion stands alone on the cliff, looking out towards the sea. Mysterious lights and ghostly hauntings have kept away the people of Saltmarsh, despite rumours of a fabulous forgotten treasure. What is its sinister secret?
D&D Adventurers League
2019-08-31 09:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
SRM10-04: Get Bento
A Shadowrun Missions Event for Characters of Any Karma They say your soul is who you are on a bad day. For Sora Suzuki that was yesterday. Today he gets even.
Shadowrun Missions
2019-08-31 09:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
CMP2019-05: Down In The Valley
A Shadowrun Missions Event for Characters of Any Karma An Old World, New Order event. When a marquee project for Transys Neuronet seems to be in jeopardy the team is asked to steal a body and obtain some data from a fellow runner.
Shadowrun Missions
2019-08-31 14:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
SFS2-00: Fate of the Scoured God
A Starfinder Society Event for Characters of Level 1-12 (Multi-table Special) – A divine herald raises an army in opposition to the rest of the galaxy. Heroes must stand together to oppose a growing evil from the Scoured Stars.
Starfinder Society
2019-08-31 14:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
SRM10-05: The Out of Body Experience
A Shadowrun Missions Event for Characters of Any Karma In the Sixth World, megacorporations are heartless but the metahuman heart still knows love. Tanaka-san’s recent career change affords him everything he could desire, except the soul mate he left behind. Extracting her body proves easy. Rescuing her mind is another matter.
Shadowrun Missions
2019-08-31 14:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
CMP2019-06: (Tea) Party Time!
A Shadowrun Missions Event for Characters of Any Karma An Old World, New Order event. An info broker asks the team to abduct someone so she can talk to them, they go on a tour of the Black Country and end up in the toxic and irradiated wasteland that is the East Anglia Stinkfens.
Shadowrun Missions
2019-08-31 20:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
DDAO-30 …and Melancholy Laughter (Lvl 5-10)
A D&D Adventurers League Event for Characters of Level 5-10 A border dispute threatens spin out of control, but are even darker forces at work? A four-hour D&D Adventurers League Author Only adventure that follows the events of DDAO-20 Somber Screams run by D&D Adventurers League Admin Greg Marks. Due to the nature of an […]
D&D Adventurers League
2019-08-31 20:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
SRM10-06: The No Body Problem
A Shadowrun Missions Event for Characters of Any Karma When the runners are hired to fake a celebrity’s death, they might find out just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Shadowrun Missions
2019-08-31 20:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
CMP2019-07: Firm Favorite
A Shadowrun Missions Event for Characters of Any Karma An Old World, New Order event. The team is hired by Twinkletoes, a lieutenant with the Burnham Boys, to locate the source of the new street drug Syrup. Things go awry when they find out a disgraced Firm boss is behind it.
Shadowrun Missions
2019-09-01 09:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
DDAL00-08 Layers Upon Layers
A D&D Adventurers League Event for Characters of Level 5-10 During the liberation of Szith Morcane, the factions found an unlikely friend in an agent of evil. Now that alliance has been put to the test – and the factions are looking for adventurers brave (or foolish) enough to venture into the depths of the […]
D&D Adventurers League
2019-09-01 09:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
DDAL07-16 Pools of Cerulean
A D&D Adventurers League Event for Characters of Level 17-20 he Land of Ash and Smoke was once home to a wizard’s sprawling complex and although the balor and its minions are now destroyed, evidence has come to light that more than a little of the arcane enclave was shifted into the Abyss. Where such […]
D&D Adventurers League
2019-09-01 09:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
DDAO-10 Across a Misty Tavern (Lvl 11-16)
A D&D Adventurers League Event for Characters of Level 11-16 Strange mists have been spotted in the Quivering Forest and many fear the return of Barovia. If anyone can warn you of what goes bump in the night, it is Jeny Greenteeth. Please note that as this is an Adventurers League Author Only eventrun by […]
D&D Adventurers League
2019-09-01 09:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
CMP2019-08: LOX, Locks, & Lochs
A Shadowrun Missions Event for Characters of Any Karma An Old World, New Order event. The runners are hired by Alice Barnes to ride on a automated cargo ship as security after a spate of incidents of piracy on the Caledonian Canal.
Shadowrun Missions
2019-09-01 14:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
DDAO-20 Somber Screams… (Lvl 11-16)
A D&D Adventurers League Event for Characters of Level 11-16 A grotesque statuette leads you to the village of Narrows and a disturbing seaside mystery. A four-hour adventure that follows the events of DDAO-10 Across a Misty Tavern Yard run by D&D Adventurers League Admin Greg Marks. Due to the nature of an Author Only […]
D&D Adventurers League
2019-09-01 14:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
DDEP-DRW01 Assault on Myth Nantar (Lvl 11-16)
A D&D Adventurers League Event for Characters of Level 5-16 Thay has set its sights on taking the underwater city of Myth Nantar. Can you stop a full-on invasion by it, or will the sea elves be looking for a new home?
D&D Adventurers League
2019-09-01 14:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
DDEP-DRW01 Assault on Myth Nantar (Lvl 5-10)
A D&D Adventurers League Event for Characters of Level 5-16 Thay has set its sights on taking the underwater city of Myth Nantar. Can you stop a full-on invasion by it, or will the sea elves be looking for a new home?
D&D Adventurers League
2019-09-01 14:00:00
5 hrs
Dragon Con 2019
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