Directory Category: TRD - Trade Day Event

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Dragon Con 2019
Board Games
Collectible Card Games
LAN Games
Live-Action Roleplaying Games
Miniatures Games
Role-Playing Games (Campaign)
Role-Playing Games (Non-Campaign)
Gamehole Con 2019
Card Game
D&D Adventurer’s League
Kid’s Track
Organized Play Event
Other Event
Role Playing Game
True Dungeon
Gen Con 2019
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Spouse Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Origins Game Fair 2019
Origins University
Gamehole Con 2020
Gaming Hoopla 2020
Board Game
Card Game
Hoopla Event
Miniatures / Large Format
Role-Playing Game
Social / Party
Special Event
Gen Con 2020
Origins Game Fair 2020
Coulee Con 2021
Board Game
Card Game
Video Game
Gaming Hoopla 2021
Board Game
Card Game
Hoopla Event
Gen Con 2021
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Coulee Con 2022
Board Game
Card Game
Gaming Hoopla 2022
Board Game
Card Game
Special Event
Gen Con 2022
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Supplemental Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Coulee Con 2023
Board Game
Card Game
Panel Discussion
Special Event
Gamehole Con 2023
Card Game
D&D Adventurer’s League
Kid’s Track
Organized Play Event
Other Event
Role Playing Game
True Dungeon
Gen Con 2023
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Supplemental Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Gen Con 2024
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Supplemental Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events

TRD – Trade Day Event

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Equity Is Not A Bolt-On – Universal Design For All!
So often, the process of ensuring equity for people with disabilities or a neurodiverse audience is done as a checklist at the very end. Universal Design is a process where this is turned around, with consideration to a variety of physical, cognitive and emotional limitations from the beginning. This goes way beyond ensuring that one […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 1:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Experiential Learning Using Live Action Role-Play
National Security Decision Making (NSDM) Inc.
Experiential learning can provide insights that no amount of books or lectures can. The NSDM team discusses their use of live action role-play to help students comprehend complex relationships, to teach history and impart insights into historical circumstance, choice and culture. The team will relay their experiences with their simulations of the lead-up to the […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 4:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Exploring Game Design & The Invention Process Through Analog, Digital, & AI Resources
Game design & the invention process are crucial tools for fostering creativity, critical thinking, & problem-solving among students. Libraries & teachers play a vital role in guiding and supporting through this innovative journey, serving as indispensable partners in cultivating the next generation of game designers & inventors. By providing access to resources, creating conducive learning […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 11:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Exploring The Wide World of WizKids RPGs!
Saddle up with the WizKids team as we journey through a variety of topics across our RPG catalog! We’ll dive into new products and categories for Dungeons & Dragons, Critical Role, Pathfinder, and WarLock Tiles, including our exciting plans & products celebrating the Dungeon & Dragons 50th Anniversary! From new adventurers to dedicated collectors, we’ve […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 3:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Finance 101
Witten Financial
We will use actual game industry financial statements (names withheld :-)) to walk you through how financial statements work. this seminar will give you the basics to help you look closer at your business performance so you can better identify your strengths and areas of opportunity.
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 10:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Finance 201 – Cash Flow Analysis & Planning
Witten Financial
Our sales are up, so how come we can’t pay the bills?!? Our experienced team will demystify the topic of cash flow planning to help you manage your business more effectively!
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 1:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Finding The Perfect Location For Your Gaming Store
Shadowood Realty Partners-Houston, Texas
Lots to info to share about what is needed to find real estate space, what to look for, how to negotiate a deal for space, what the different terms mean, etc.
Everyone (6+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 3:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Five-Hundred-Year-Old Vampire: Playing for Keepsakes
Central Michigan University Press
Author Jason Cox uses his game Five-Hundred-Year-Old Vampire (FYOV) as a point of entry to discuss the process of creating a “keepsake game” (Khor, 2021) that fosters growth in Art and Writing and encourages players to explore the history, legends, artistry, and artifacts of different times and places. Five-Hundred-Year-Old Vampire (FYOV) is a multi-player keepsake […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 3:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Fixing, Adapting, & Making Your Own Games For The Classroom
Noblesville West Middle School
As a teacher who loves games, I have been working for years on creating engaging experiences for my Middle School Math Classroom (don’t stop reading! This can apply to many other grades and subjects!) I will walk you through how to “fix” already established games that ALMOST work, how to adapt established games that COULD […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 10:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Fostering Teen Engagement Through TTRPGS
Monroe County Public Library
Structure impactful library programs around providing opportunities for teens to develop leadership skills and fostering a safe and inclusive community through tabletop role-playing games.
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 4:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Game Changer: Ensuring That All Gamers Can Participate!
The Accessible SLP
This presentation delves into tailoring game components to suit diverse player preferences, skills, and physical abilities. Using a variety of strategies, products, and DIY designs, we will explore how we can ensure that we are providing inclusive gaming experiences for all.
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 3:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Game Design Class Critique Vocabulary & Scaffolding
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering IUI
This session presents a framework for applying aesthetics-oriented critique in the game development classroom. Building upon established critique interaction frameworks such as the experiences-observations-theories-advice framework, we offer a set of vocabulary that guides students in identifying technical, aesthetic, and meaning (TAM) takeaways during their critique. A scaffolding approach to introduce the TAM terminology is included […]
Everyone (6+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 2:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Game Of Games 2024 Edition
Witten Financial
A seminar favorite, revised for this year! We identify cases (I am making lots of sales – why don’t I have more money in my bank account?) and in game-style fashion, the audience shares their thoughts and we share ours (treats/prizes for matched answers!!). Slides sent to participants after the convention.
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 11:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Game On! Leveraging Group Think: Designing Camps, Clubs and Programs
The Task: Create an action-packed learning experience for youth of all ages around the themes of board game play, game design and fostering playful creativity. After previewing several formats of successful game play and game design programming, participants will engage in small group activities that leverage the creativity and experiences of the audience. In rapid […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 4:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Game Theory In The Classroom Or Boardroom
Using common, easy-to-find, materials, participants will learn the mechanics and the theory behind numerous Game Theory archetype games. The activities will range from the Prisoner’s Dilemma to the Ultimatum Game as well as the Stag Hunt to name but a few. We will also very lightly debrief the mathematics and history that drives the underlying […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 1:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Gamification 101: Introduction to Gamification
University of Massachusetts Lowell
We will briefly discuss an introduction to gamification in the classroom, and will talk about how to include gamification elements within the constraints of university teaching. We will walk you through a process on how to gamify your classroom. We will share our experiences gamifying three different courses – a math course, an education course, […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 3:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Gamification for Classroom Engagement
Miami University
Gamification is not gaming–it is rethinking student learning and engagement using the metaphor of gaming. This workshop will offer a gamification strategy for transforming classroom activities by making them more engaging and effective, without losing focus or rigor. All participants will receive a free e-book featuring seven gamified classroom discussion activities.
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 4:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Gamifying Culture and Enculturating Gaming
Purdue Language and Cultural Exchange (PLaCE)
Based on experiences teaching university-aged international students, this session will report on some of the principles, problems, pitfalls, and practices involved in using gaming to teach language and cultural skills. In this session, participants will look at some specific gaming examples, discuss cultural models to help educators make gaming more culturally enriching, and workshop some […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 2:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Gamifying Sales Education – A Lesson In Sales & Gaming
Ball State University
This isn’t your typical sales training; it’s a game-changer, quite literally! Picture this: we’re diving into the world of sales strategies, but with a twist – gaming principles. See how these two seemingly different worlds can come together to create something awesome. We’re talking about turning sales into a game – and trust me, it’s […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 11:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Gamifying The Sustainable Development Goals
Indiana University Bloomington’s Center for the Study of Global Change
This session will present an example of how games can help achieve learning goals related to global competencies and an understanding of the intersection of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with players’ daily lives. The event will achieve the following goals. First, it will demonstrate one approach to gamified learning about global competencies and […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 11:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Getting Started With HeroClix
With more than 20 years of product releases, HeroClix has a wealth of content and history. In the past year, HeroClix has streamlined its rules, reduced map sizes for a faster game with reduced footprint, created new affordable Starter products, and launched its Iconix line which has sparked rapid sell-through. If you want to learn […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 2:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Getting Students (And More) Engaged In Your Puzzles & Games
If you like to bring puzzles or games into your classroom, work environment, training session, or other venue, you’ve probably dealt with people who just don’t want to engage with it. During this session, we’ll share with you tips and tricks we’ve developed in classrooms, corporate offices, and more to get people excited about the […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 11:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Global Learning Outcomes & Table Top Gaming
Center for the Study of Global Change, Indiana University
This event will be a workshop on the connection of board games to global learning outcomes as an important measure of engaging with players across various forms of tabletop games. In doing so, we will provide attendees with a framework for internationalizing their work in game design that will aid players in expanding their global […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 2:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
How Renegade Games Can Help You Connect With Your Customers
Renegade Game Studios
Learn about Organized Play events for Heroscape and other Renegade games that you can host in your store! Find out about all our upcoming releases and ask all your questions before the holiday season!
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 1:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
How To Guide Students To Create An Escape Room
Mobile Escape
Unlock the secrets to helping students become makers of their own escape room. Delve into the transformative journey outlined by award winning escape room designers and educators, Paul Harvey and Eric Reynolds. From acclimation and planning to construction and showcase, learn how to guide students through a whirlwind of creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration. Discover the […]
Everyone (6+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Wednesday 07/31/2024 1:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
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