Directory Tag: Bill Walter

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Dragon Con 2019
Board Games
Collectible Card Games
LAN Games
Live-Action Roleplaying Games
Miniatures Games
Role-Playing Games (Campaign)
Role-Playing Games (Non-Campaign)
Gamehole Con 2019
Card Game
D&D Adventurer’s League
Kid’s Track
Organized Play Event
Other Event
Role Playing Game
True Dungeon
Gen Con 2019
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Spouse Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Origins Game Fair 2019
Origins University
Gamehole Con 2020
Gaming Hoopla 2020
Board Game
Card Game
Hoopla Event
Miniatures / Large Format
Role-Playing Game
Social / Party
Special Event
Gen Con 2020
Origins Game Fair 2020
Coulee Con 2021
Board Game
Card Game
Video Game
Gaming Hoopla 2021
Board Game
Card Game
Hoopla Event
Gen Con 2021
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Coulee Con 2022
Board Game
Card Game
Gaming Hoopla 2022
Board Game
Card Game
Special Event
Gen Con 2022
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Supplemental Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Coulee Con 2023
Board Game
Card Game
Panel Discussion
Special Event
Gamehole Con 2023
Card Game
D&D Adventurer’s League
Kid’s Track
Organized Play Event
Other Event
Role Playing Game
True Dungeon
Gen Con 2023
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Supplemental Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events
Gen Con 2024
ANI – Anime Activities
BGM – Board Game
CGM – Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
EGM – Electronic Games
ENT – Entertainment Events
FLM – Film Fest
HMN – Historical Miniatures
KID – Kids Activities
MHE – Miniature Hobby Events
NMN – Non-Historical Miniatures
RPG – Role Playing Game
SEM – Seminar
SPA – Supplemental Activities
TCG – Tradable Card Game
TDA – True Dungeon Adventures!
TRD – Trade Day Event
WKS – Workshop
ZED – Isle of Misfit Events

Bill Walter

Sort By: RatingRating CountTitleGame SystemRules EditionStart Date & Time
Floor is Spiders
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Exclusive for Trade Day in 2023, the “Floor is Spiders” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 5. The demon Yx’larak is bound to the will of long-dead drow matrons. The foul creature maintains its end of […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Thursday 08/01/2024 10:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Floor is Spiders
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Exclusive for Trade Day in 2023, the “Floor is Spiders” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 5. The demon Yx’larak is bound to the will of long-dead drow matrons. The foul creature maintains its end of […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Thursday 08/01/2024 1:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Floor is Spiders
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Exclusive for Trade Day in 2023, the “Floor is Spiders” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 5. The demon Yx’larak is bound to the will of long-dead drow matrons. The foul creature maintains its end of […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Thursday 08/01/2024 4:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Floor is Spiders
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Exclusive for Trade Day in 2023, the “Floor is Spiders” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 5. The demon Yx’larak is bound to the will of long-dead drow matrons. The foul creature maintains its end of […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Friday 08/02/2024 10:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Floor is Spiders
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Exclusive for Trade Day in 2023, the “Floor is Spiders” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 5. The demon Yx’larak is bound to the will of long-dead drow matrons. The foul creature maintains its end of […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Friday 08/02/2024 1:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Floor is Spiders
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Exclusive for Trade Day in 2023, the “Floor is Spiders” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 5. The demon Yx’larak is bound to the will of long-dead drow matrons. The foul creature maintains its end of […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Friday 08/02/2024 4:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Floor is Spiders
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Exclusive for Trade Day in 2023, the “Floor is Spiders” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 5. The demon Yx’larak is bound to the will of long-dead drow matrons. The foul creature maintains its end of […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Saturday 08/03/2024 10:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Floor is Spiders
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Exclusive for Trade Day in 2023, the “Floor is Spiders” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 5. The demon Yx’larak is bound to the will of long-dead drow matrons. The foul creature maintains its end of […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Saturday 08/03/2024 1:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Floor is Spiders
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Exclusive for Trade Day in 2023, the “Floor is Spiders” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 5. The demon Yx’larak is bound to the will of long-dead drow matrons. The foul creature maintains its end of […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Saturday 08/03/2024 4:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Floor is Spiders
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Exclusive for Trade Day in 2023, the “Floor is Spiders” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 5. The demon Yx’larak is bound to the will of long-dead drow matrons. The foul creature maintains its end of […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Sunday 08/04/2024 11:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Rise of the Drow: Darkness Arrives
AAW Games
In this prologue to the renowned Rise of the Drow adventure tome, AAW Games wants to introduce you the world of Aventyr. Whether you’re a 5E pro or a newcomer to the hobby, this session is open to all who want to sample first hand what AAW Games has to offer. Player characters provided.
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Thursday 08/04/2022 9:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2022
Rise of the Drow: Darkness Arrives
AAW Games
In this prologue to the renowned Rise of the Drow adventure tome, AAW Games wants to introduce you the world of Aventyr. Whether you’re a 5E pro or a newcomer to the hobby, this session is open to all who want to sample first hand what AAW Games has to offer. Player characters provided.
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
None (You’ve never played before – rules will be taught)
Friday 08/05/2022 9:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2022
Rultmoork: Quagmire in the Great Clepsydra
AAW Games
The players take on the roles of cultists in the Church of Still Waters as they explore the Great Clepsydra of Rultmoork and spread the heresy of stagnation. When Arios the First opened the doors to the Water Clock Level of Rultmoork, he inadvertently also called an insane flow weaver, an elemental servant of Vasi, […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Thursday 08/01/2024 9:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Rultmoork: Quagmire in the Great Clepsydra
AAW Games
The players take on the roles of cultists in the Church of Still Waters as they explore the Great Clepsydra of Rultmoork and spread the heresy of stagnation. When Arios the First opened the doors to the Water Clock Level of Rultmoork, he inadvertently also called an insane flow weaver, an elemental servant of Vasi, […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Friday 08/02/2024 9:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Rultmoork: Quagmire in the Great Clepsydra
AAW Games
The players take on the roles of cultists in the Church of Still Waters as they explore the Great Clepsydra of Rultmoork and spread the heresy of stagnation. When Arios the First opened the doors to the Water Clock Level of Rultmoork, he inadvertently also called an insane flow weaver, an elemental servant of Vasi, […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Saturday 08/03/2024 9:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Rultmoork: Quagmire in the Great Clepsydra
AAW Games
The players take on the roles of cultists in the Church of Still Waters as they explore the Great Clepsydra of Rultmoork and spread the heresy of stagnation. When Arios the First opened the doors to the Water Clock Level of Rultmoork, he inadvertently also called an insane flow weaver, an elemental servant of Vasi, […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Thursday 08/01/2024 11:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Rultmoork: Quagmire in the Great Clepsydra
AAW Games
The players take on the roles of cultists in the Church of Still Waters as they explore the Great Clepsydra of Rultmoork and spread the heresy of stagnation. When Arios the First opened the doors to the Water Clock Level of Rultmoork, he inadvertently also called an insane flow weaver, an elemental servant of Vasi, […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Friday 08/02/2024 11:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Rultmoork: Quagmire in the Great Clepsydra
AAW Games
The players take on the roles of cultists in the Church of Still Waters as they explore the Great Clepsydra of Rultmoork and spread the heresy of stagnation. When Arios the First opened the doors to the Water Clock Level of Rultmoork, he inadvertently also called an insane flow weaver, an elemental servant of Vasi, […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Saturday 08/03/2024 11:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Rultmoork: Quagmire in the Great Clepsydra
AAW Games
The players take on the roles of cultists in the Church of Still Waters as they explore the Great Clepsydra of Rultmoork and spread the heresy of stagnation. When Arios the First opened the doors to the Water Clock Level of Rultmoork, he inadvertently also called an insane flow weaver, an elemental servant of Vasi, […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Sunday 08/04/2024 10:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Rultmoork: Quagmire in the Great Clepsydra
AAW Games
The players take on the roles of cultists in the Church of Still Waters as they explore the Great Clepsydra of Rultmoork and spread the heresy of stagnation. When Arios the First opened the doors to the Water Clock Level of Rultmoork, he inadvertently also called an insane flow weaver, an elemental servant of Vasi, […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Thursday 08/01/2024 2:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Rultmoork: Quagmire in the Great Clepsydra
AAW Games
The players take on the roles of cultists in the Church of Still Waters as they explore the Great Clepsydra of Rultmoork and spread the heresy of stagnation. When Arios the First opened the doors to the Water Clock Level of Rultmoork, he inadvertently also called an insane flow weaver, an elemental servant of Vasi, […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Friday 08/02/2024 2:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Rultmoork: Quagmire in the Great Clepsydra
AAW Games
The players take on the roles of cultists in the Church of Still Waters as they explore the Great Clepsydra of Rultmoork and spread the heresy of stagnation. When Arios the First opened the doors to the Water Clock Level of Rultmoork, he inadvertently also called an insane flow weaver, an elemental servant of Vasi, […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Saturday 08/03/2024 2:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Slumbering Titan
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Debuting in 2023, the “Slumbering Titan” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 8. In ancient times the gods placed Titans to live among men and guard their kingdoms from primordial demonic hordes. As the demons were […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Thursday 08/01/2024 10:00 AM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Slumbering Titan
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Debuting in 2023, the “Slumbering Titan” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 8. In ancient times the gods placed Titans to live among men and guard their kingdoms from primordial demonic hordes. As the demons were […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Thursday 08/01/2024 1:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
Slumbering Titan
AAW Games
Take a dive into a realm of fun and fantasy! Play one of AAW Games’ famous Mini-Dungeons. Debuting in 2023, the “Slumbering Titan” Mini-Dungeon adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 8. In ancient times the gods placed Titans to live among men and guard their kingdoms from primordial demonic hordes. As the demons were […]
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen (13+)
Some (You’ve played it a bit and understand the basics)
Thursday 08/01/2024 4:00 PM EDT
Gen Con 2024
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